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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-3724

View-only permissions still allow changes in Planning view


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      View-only permissions set for Capabilities and Epics.
      Capabilities can be added to Epics in Epic Planning from EpicGrid.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Permissions set:

      1. Open EpicGrid.asp
      2. Select an Epic
      3. Open Details Pane
      4. Select Show More and choose Epic Planning
      5. In the add "Capabilities to Epic" section, search for a Capability and select Add button
      6. Close out of window when completed.

      Expected Results

      Due to the permissions being set on Capability & Epics to a view-only setting, the expectation is that no action would be able to be taken.

      Actual Results

      New Capability has now been added to Epic




      Same behaviour also occurs in the CapabilitiesGrid
      Permission set Features & Capabilities View-Only

      1. Select a Capabilitiy
      2. Open Details Pane
      3. Select Show More and choose Capability Planning
      4. In the add "Features to Capability" section, search for a Featureand select Add button

        1. image-2021-10-25-09-51-52-172.png
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        8. image-2021-10-25-09-48-02-720.png
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        9. features-view-only.png
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          Heidi Hendry

              4f593be5d819 Anna Eshlin De Kassal (Inactive)
              81fb6d9e7236 Heidi Hendry (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
