Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
When checking the Role toggle for Portfolios -> Manage -> Portfolio Teams, there is a note displayed that states “This is a read-only view. If you want to allow updates then you will need to toggle on the Portfolio Permission under Administration Toggles." This note appears to indicate that a read-only view of the team should be possible and that the Portfolios toggle under the Administration section of the role is only needed for writable access.
However, if a user is given a role with Portfolios -> Manage -> Portfolio Teams enabled and Administration -> Other Setup -> Portfolios disabled, that user will see the message "You need more access to view this page" when they click onto the Members Tab of a Portfolio Team.
Further testing appears to show that enabling or disabling the Portfolio Teams toggle has no obvious effect on the visibility of the configuration of a Portfolio Team.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a role based on the Portfolio Manager role and make sure that Administration -> Other Setup -> Portfolios toggle is disabled for that role.
- Setup a user using that role that and ensure that the user is a member of a Portfolio Team.
- Make sure the Portfolio Team has a few more members (just to provide data to see inside the members list)
- Login as the user and attempt to open the Members List of the Portfolio Team
- Repeat the tests covering all the combinations of enabling/disabling the Portfolio Teams and Portfolios toggles. The results of each combination are provided in the actual results section.
Expected Results
User should be able to open the members list (but not edit it) with just the Portfolio Teams toggle enabled and NOT enabling the Portfolios toggle
Actual Results
a. Portfolio Teams toggle enabled, Portfolios toggle disabled = "You need more access to view this page" message when going to Members Tab
b. Portfolio Teams toggle enabled, Portfolios toggle enabled = Members list available (but then, as expected, it is also possible to edit the membership as it is not read-only)
c. Portfolio Teams toggle disabled, Portfolios toggle disabled = "You need more access to view this page" message when going to Members Tab (this is an unexpected result as seems to be the same result as for Test a and implies the Portfolio Teams toggle has no effect in this area of the Jira Align console at all)
d. Portfolio Teams toggle disabled, Portfolios toggle enabled = Members list available and editable - same result as for Test b
If write access is acceptable, then enable the Portfolios toggle. However if write access is unacceptable, then there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
- resolves
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