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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-2904

Admin: Creating a new user fails if the email address contains an apostrophe


    • 5
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • No

      Issue Summary

      We are seeing an issue when users are created with apostrophes in the email address. The application throws an error code in UI as a result of a Type mismatch error in Splunk.

      Per this wiki, apostrophe character is supported by RFC5322 and RFC6854

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Browse to People grid
      2. Click Add User button
      3. Fill in all necessary data
        Ensure to use an apostrophe on the local-part of the email address
      4. Click Save

      Expected Results

      • User is created

      Actual Results

      • The application throws an error code in UI as a result of a Type mismatch error in Splunk.

      The below exception is thrown in Splunk:

      { [-]
         ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.DbExecReturnIDParams
         correlationid: M23rK+9yV6tqXG5yMYSCvSTtBTf5T/4tfrIRvfQmklE=
         customer_db: instance
         error_description: Type mismatch
         error_id: 3939
         error_number: 13
         error_source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
         log_type: exception
         logfrom_location: Website-ASP
         sql:  SET NOCOUNT On Insert Into sysmemberpermssion (Tips, CreateDate, StartDate, UID, FirstName, LastName, Email, Title, RID,  OrgManager, Manager, Region, CostCenter, DivisionID, ViewPublicERs, ExternalUser, Skin, TimeType, IsTimeTracking, TTStartDate, HolidayCalendarID, Notes, HolidayCityID, TimeZoneId, IncludeInCalculations, IsComplianceManager , CityID, ValidFrom, ValidTo, ContractorManager, LastModified, IsUserManager ) Select 1,'3/4/2021 5:47:56 PM','3/4/2021 5:47:56 PM','','John,'O''Doe','John.O'Doe@instance.com','Developer',50,NULL,NULL,1,1,1,0,0,14,1,0,NULL,NULL,N'2021/03/04 - Creating by request of Admin',NULL,'Pacific Standard Time',NULL,0,4,'3/4/2021',NULL,NULL,'3/4/2021 5:47:56 PM',0 SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS NewID Set NOCOUNT OFF
         timestamp: 2021-03-04T17:47:56.684000-05:00
         url: https://instance.jiraalign.com:443/MasterUserEdit.asp
         urlverb: POST
         user: 200


      Create the new user with a bogus email address; then update it right after to the correct one, containing an apostrophe.

      1. Browse to the People grid
      2. Click Add User button
      3. Fill in all necessary data
        Ensure NOT to use an apostrophe on the local-part of the email address – feel free to provide a bogus email address
      4. Click Save & Close
      5. Select the newly created user (the slide-out details will displaye)
      6. Replace the email address with correct email address
      7. Click Save & Close

              940aaf7b0db4 Sheila Kelly
              rcortez@atlassian.com Rodrigo Cortez
              3 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
