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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-2898

[JIRAALIGN-2898] Performance: Story panel takes a long time to open and don't load the Release Vehicle field


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • 10.89, 10.90, 10.91
    • 10.88
    • team - stories
    • None
    • 1
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • Rangers VH4
    • No

      Issue Summary

      The Story panel takes a long time to open and the Release Vehicle field never loads.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to the Stories grid.
      2. Select a program in Tier 1 that has a large number of Release Vehicles associated with it.
      3. Try to click on one story to open its details window.

      Expected Results

      The Story should load all data

      Actual Results

      The Story panel opens but the header takes a long time to appear, after it does, the field Release Vehicle field is still not visible.
      The exception below is thrown on the splunk logs for the call on AjaxDropdown.asp:

      { [-]
       ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.SetRSParamsCursor
       correlationid: 9Yhc9RWsg+ONOdHgLlJX5b87xtsaMbH0Blh2sivTyZc=
       customer_db: xxxxx
      error_description: Query timeout expired
       error_id: 48360
       error_number: -2147217871
       error_source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
       log_type: exception
       logfrom_location: Website-ASP
       sql: SELECT Selected, ID, [dbo].[getReleaseVehicleTitle](4, JIRAProjectKey, ReleaseDesc, VehicleName, ReleaseID, ?, CONVERT(varchar, VehicleStartDate), Health, StoryID, CONVERT(varchar, VehicleDate)) AS Title FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN sv.StoryID IS NOT NULL THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS Selected, v.VehicleName, v.VehicleStartDate, v.Health, VehicleID AS ID, v.ReleaseID, v.VehicleDate, sv.StoryID, r.ReleaseDesc, r.BeginDate as ReleaseBeginDate, t2.ProjectKey as JIRAProjectKey FROM tblVehicles v JOIN tblRelease r ON v.ReleaseID = r.ReleaseID INNER JOIN ( SELECT rp.ReleaseID FROM tblReleaseProductRel rp INNER JOIN ( SELECT t2.ProductID FROM sysmemberTeamRole t1 INNER JOIN sysmemberTeamProduct t2 ON t1.TeamID = t2.TeamID WHERE UNIQ = 2324 ) x ON x.ProductID = rp.ProductID )RP ON r.ReleaseID = rp.ReleaseID LEFT JOIN (select * from tblAgileStoryReleaseVehicle where StoryID=?) sv ON v.VehicleID = sv.ReleaseVehicleID LEFT JOIN tblJIRAProjects t2 on v.JiraProjectUniqID = t2.UniqID WHERE IsNull(v.Status, 0) <= 2 UNION SELECT CASE WHEN sv.StoryID IS NOT NULL THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS Selected, v.VehicleName, v.VehicleStartDate, v.Health, VehicleID AS ID, v.ReleaseID, v.VehicleDate, sv.StoryID, r.ReleaseDesc, r.BeginDate as ReleaseBeginDate, t2.ProjectKey as JIRAProjectKey FROM tblVehicles v JOIN tblRelease r ON v.ReleaseID = r.ReleaseID LEFT JOIN tblAgileStoryReleaseVehicle sv ON v.VehicleID = sv.ReleaseVehicleID LEFT JOIN tblJIRAProjects t2 on v.JiraProjectUniqID = t2.UniqID WHERE sv.StoryID=? ) AS rv ORDER BY rv.Selected DESC, rv.ReleaseBeginDate ASC OFFSET (?) ROWS FETCH NEXT (?) ROWS ONLY
       timestamp: 2021-03-05T09:38:25.699000-05:00
      url: https://xxxxx.jiraalign.com:443/AjaxFiles/AjaxDropdown.asp?Type=83&itemId=158449
       urlverb: POST
       user: 2324


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

              eac07d2d8a35 Roman Koshovskyi
              a8cff3407f0b Diego Larangeira
              2 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
