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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-2847

Performance Issue - Release Vehicle Roadmap Page does not load fully when several programs are associated with a PI


    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      The release Roadmap Vehicle Page doesn't fully load in situations where a Program Increment has a large number of programs tied to it.

      This was reproducible on a Premier Support Customer's instance.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to the Release Vehicle Roadmap Page.
      2. Select one PI and no Programs. In the customer's case they have a large number of release vehicles tied to this single PI. A screenshot sample of the page is below to give you an idea:

      Expected Results

      The page should load all data.

      Actual Results

      The page churns (in other words, we see the spinner icon in the browser tab for the page) but the never fully loads. This is most likely due to having to render all of the release vehicle information (we do not know exactly how many Release Vehicles there are).

      When drilling down into the PI selected in Tier 1 above, it was observed that the PI had a large number of programs associated with it:

      The below exception is thrown in the splunk log...note the time taken of over 90 seconds so far for the page:

      11:06:47.000 AM	
      2021-02-12 17:06:47 GET /ReleaseVehicleRoadMap FirstTime=True|-|ASP_0113|Script_timed_out 443 16 Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+Intel+Mac+OS+X+11_1_0)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/88.0.4324.150+Safari/537.36 https://xxxxx.jiraalign.com/StoryGrid?FirstTime=True&stfilter=true&Teams=812&Releases=7 500 0 0 95063

      Possibly related:

      11:10:38.305 AM	
      { [-]
         ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.LogToSqlTiming
         correlationid: Ms262geNq3X3+UG4dj2rKEDz3t06Eaka9MMY6IdKaAE=
         customer_db: XXXXX
         log_type: warning
         logfrom_location: Website-ASP
         sql:        SELECT Selected, ID,  [dbo].[getReleaseVehicleTitle](4, JIRAProjectKey, ReleaseDesc, VehicleName, ReleaseID, ?, CONVERT(varchar, VehicleStartDate), Health, StoryID, CONVERT(varchar, VehicleDate)) AS Title  FROM (  SELECT CASE WHEN sv.StoryID IS NOT NULL THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS Selected, v.VehicleName, v.VehicleStartDate, v.Health, VehicleID AS ID, v.ReleaseID, v.VehicleDate, sv.StoryID, r.ReleaseDesc, r.BeginDate as ReleaseBeginDate, t2.ProjectKey as JIRAProjectKey  FROM tblVehicles v JOIN tblRelease r ON v.ReleaseID = r.ReleaseID  INNER JOIN (                SELECT rp.ReleaseID FROM tblReleaseProductRel rp                INNER JOIN (                            SELECT t2.ProductID FROM sysmemberTeamRole t1                            INNER JOIN sysmemberTeamProduct t2 ON t1.TeamID = t2.TeamID                            WHERE UNIQ = 16                           ) x ON x.ProductID = rp.ProductID            )RP ON r.ReleaseID = rp.ReleaseID  LEFT JOIN (select * from tblAgileStoryReleaseVehicle where StoryID=?) sv ON v.VehicleID = sv.ReleaseVehicleID  LEFT JOIN  tblJIRAProjects t2 on v.JiraProjectUniqID = t2.UniqID  WHERE IsNull(v.Status, 0) <= 2  UNION SELECT CASE WHEN sv.StoryID IS NOT NULL THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS Selected, v.VehicleName, v.VehicleStartDate, v.Health, VehicleID AS ID, v.ReleaseID, v.VehicleDate, sv.StoryID, r.ReleaseDesc, r.BeginDate as ReleaseBeginDate, t2.ProjectKey as JIRAProjectKey  FROM tblVehicles v JOIN tblRelease r ON v.ReleaseID = r.ReleaseID  LEFT JOIN tblAgileStoryReleaseVehicle sv ON v.VehicleID = sv.ReleaseVehicleID  LEFT JOIN tblJIRAProjects t2 on v.JiraProjectUniqID = t2.UniqID  WHERE sv.StoryID=?  ) AS rv  ORDER BY rv.Selected DESC, rv.ReleaseBeginDate ASC  OFFSET (?) ROWS FETCH NEXT (?) ROWS ONLY
         sqlCount: 150
         sqlFunction: SetRSParams
         sqlTime: 4177
         timestamp: 2021-02-12T12:10:38.305000-05:00
         url: https://xxxxxx.jiraalign.com:443/AjaxFiles/AjaxDropdown.asp?Type=83&itemId=65392
         urlverb: POST
         user: 16


      In the teir 1

              kbaxley Kent Baxley
              kbaxley Kent Baxley
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