Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Stubborn Dragons - BBSH
Issue Summary
Forecast: When using the Points estimation system incorrect value appears in the Estimated effort
Steps to Reproduce
- Login
- Create Portfolio, Program, Team, Release, and Sprints.
- Set estimation system to Points.
- In the Aministration>Platform>Porfolio> Set Display Week Estimates In: to Team Weeks.
- Add at least 1 story with LOE defined to a few past Sprints. Accept Stories. Mark Sprints completed.
- Create Epic. Set some points value for it.
- Go to the Forecast.
- Check Estimated Effort for the Epic.
- In the Aministration>Platform>Porfolio> Set Display Week Estimates In: to Member Weeks.
- In the Forecast Check Estimated Effort for the Epic.
Expected Results
As Estimates are displayed in Points, we should not change Estimated Efforts.
Actual Results
Points are multiplied by 6 when changing Display Week Estimates In setting.
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
- resolves
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