Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
In Jira Align, the maximum character allowed for a story is 300 for Title.
This conflicts with the limit set in Jira, which is 255.
When synchronizing the story created in Jira Align to Jira, the API will return an issue, and the story will not be pushed to Jira as a result.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a Story in Jira Align between 255 and 300 characters
- Synchronize this story in Jira
- Check the Jira logs in the administration page
Expected Results
Jira Align should apply the same restrictions as Jira for the story work item so the synchronization can happen flawlessly
Actual Results
- The current limitation can be seen when trying to quick-add a story
In our example, however, we can add a story with a length between 255 and 300 (here, 285)
- The story cannot be synchronized and the error can be found in logs
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available