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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-1966

[JIRAALIGN-1966] Performance - Whoops Screen and SQL timeout when searching the story grid


    • 1
    • Severity 2 - Major

      Issue Summary

      Customers with large amounts of data in Jira Align have reported that they get a "Whoops" screen when typing a search term into the search box on the story grid.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Log in and Select a Program and PI in Tier 1.
      2. Navigate to the Story Grid.
      3. Type a search term into the search box on the upper left side of the story grid:
      4. Click the magnifying glass or press enter to initiate the search

      Expected Results

      Search should return a list of items that contain the search term

      Actual Results

      Customer ends up with a Whoops Error.

      Examining the HAR capture we see the following error logged:

      Checking the backend logs, this corresponds to an SQL timeout

      11:58:06.292 AM	
      { [-]
         ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.SetRSParamsCursor
         correlationid: NvhHrSeXD+UDiawnKA0LumOkaOgKzX/lwUMO8rWwsCo=
         customer_db: xxxxxx
         error_description: Query timeout expired
         error_id: 27351
         error_number: -2147217871
         error_source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
         log_type: exception
         logfrom_location: Website-ASP
         sql: EXEC RPM_GET_STORY_LIST 30, 1,N' And tas.IterationGroup In (197) AND (ti.ReleaseID In (100) Or tas.ReleaseID In (100))','tas.StoryID Desc', 'A543123',9,0,'0','0',0,0,N'IsKanbanTeam,State,DemoStatusDate,TimeSpent,DaysLeft,TotalSprintDays,ProgressViewType,ProgressBarType,StoryReleaseID,PortfolioID,CompletedTasks,TotalTasks,InProgressTasks,TimeRemaining,TotalHours,IterationID,LOE,JIRAProjectKey,TeamName,FeatureID,FeatureTitle,TotalTasks,TotalEnablementTasks,TotalDocumentTasks,TotalQATasks,TotalDevTasks,ReleaseDesc,DeliveryState,State,ParentSplit,Demoed,LOE,ExternalStoryKey,IsSubscribed,IterationName,StoryName,StoryID',N'prep'
         timestamp: 2020-08-24T12:58:06.292000-04:00
         url: https://xxxxxxx.agilecraft.com:443/StoryGrid.asp?Programs=197&Releases=100
         urlverb: POST
         user: A543123

      Prior to the timeout, it took over 30 seconds for the call to the story grid to complete:


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior.

              kforeman@atlassian.com Kyle Foreman
              kbaxley Kent Baxley
              1 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
