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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-1915

[JIRAALIGN-1915] Impersonate : JavaScript error (Impersonate.asp results in HTTP 524)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: High High
    • 10.78
    • 10.74, 10.75
    • people
    • 1
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • Avengers - TART4

      Issue Summary

      Impersonate.asp results in HTTP 524

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Browse to any page; or stay at Home page
      2. Click User Avatar to gain access to the User Menu
      3. Click Impersonate
      • Notice nothing happens at UI, followed by an HTTP 524 in Console/DevTools
      • Eventually, the Impersonation slide-out is displayed on further attempts

      Expected Results

      • Impersonate slide-out is displayed.

      Actual Results

      • UI behavior is nothing happens followed by an HTTP 524 in Console/DevTools
      • Eventually, the Impersonation slide-out shows up after user clicked additional times.

      Error Logs at Splunk

      • 2020-07-23 15:28:05 GET /Impersonate AJAX=1&ViewType=1|-|ASP_0113|Script_timed_out 443 4089 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/84.0.4147.89+Safari/537.36 ASPSESSIONIDSUTRBDCD=OGPKKMIABGIHAAOJCBEFNJPD;+__cfduid=dc85355116824beb77f5c17cfe9738f521595516993;+ADRUM=s=1595517119645&r=https%3A%2F%2Finstance.agilecraft.com%2FMasterUserList%3F0;+.ASPXAUTH=EF50785247125B076DC0090CE040DB65A73B6674823160A61342CAB932E56C06B053BE124E916F66FE035274F2FA44AD0EE2D283FFD6B3B887CB3BE30F9A05FAC1AAD2343155E3E4F783FC7637B56A3955F4D2FBB1C00F623B1E632FF080981A5A51E7A3111A3C3821AC069CDEC183981A60227EA512EEBFDC9277D331BDBF360634C3847CAB6E8459A2D2C0DDC739054406021BC685ED82A6E2ACFCCA2CCC91;+AWSALB=Ks7Awm7P7brO2cOHXUTf0vbQWvSn5TUXE5lPSPH7gPTfKFmpt5PJ1I8AJH3ATi85Up3G5b+CiI2SJ8AVjDN3rnEhn58ddtrg3tsaCGiJOjwIbb1u64YpwjZofrrW;+AWSALBCORS=Ks7Awm7P7brO2cOHXUTf0vbQWvSn5TUXE5lPSPH7gPTfKFmpt5PJ1I8AJH3ATi85Up3G5b+CiI2SJ8AVjDN3rnEhn58ddtrg3tsaCGiJOjwIbb1u64YpwjZofrrW https://instance.agilecraft.com/RoleSetupNew?FirstTime=True 500 0 1236 135844
      • { [-]
           ASP_function: Error.asp
           ErrorId: 82792
           PageName: People
           correlationid: UTJMxxdjDfDKpLVEhb7BnqtsSc3AuiriqGZaSh33zgM=
           customer_db: INSTANCE
           error_aspcode: ASP 0113
           error_aspdescription: The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.
           error_category: Active Server Pages
           error_column: -1
           error_description: Script timed out
           error_file: /Impersonate.asp
           error_line: 0
           error_number: -2147467259
           log_type: exception
           logfrom_location: Website-ASP
           timestamp: 2020-07-23T11:27:50.197000-04:00
           url: https://instance.agilecraft.com:443/Impersonate.asp?AJAX=1&ViewType=1
           urlverb: GET
           user: 4089


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available.

            idziadyk@atlassian.com Iryna Dziadyk (Inactive)
            rcortez@atlassian.com Rodrigo Cortez
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
