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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-1842

[JIRAALIGN-1842] Tier1 filter options are getting cleared


    • 16
    • Severity 1 - Critical

      Issue Summary

      Tier1 filter options are getting cleared when navigating to next pages on paginated grids

      • WorkTree (EpicDetailReport) is also affected if Extra Configs are set
      • Program Board (ProgramBoard) is also affected if Extra Configs are set
      • Backlog (Prioritize) is also affected when switching between Kanban view and List view
      • Status Reports (StatusReports2)
      • This behaviour is observed when a level 1 T1 filter like Program/Portfolio is paired with a secondary T1 filter like PI/Release.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Browse to any grid page (e.g. RequestGrid)
      2. Given there are more work items than displayed at page 1, click Next button to paginate (browse to) the page 2.
      3. Notice the tier1 filter is cleared and the shared filter message is displayed.

      Steps to Reproduce – Status Reports

      1. Set tier1 filter options
      2. Browse to Status Report (StatusReports) page
      3. Click Programs tab
      4. Select any program status report

      Expected Results

      • Next page in the grid is displayed and tier1 filter is preserved & honoured

      Actual Results

      • The tier1 filter is cleared out, the grid is reloaded and the following message displays:


      • In some cases, the filter gets re-applied when refreshing the browser.

              jwolfe@atlassian.com Jessica Wolfe (Inactive)
              rcortez@atlassian.com Rodrigo Cortez
              17 Vote for this issue
              34 Start watching this issue
