Resolution: Fixed
Severity 2 - Major
Stubborn Dragons - USH4
Issue Summary
When comparing counts across the backlog view, planned vs accepted view, or the story grids & exports. The planned counts aren't totaling correctly.
Steps to Reproduce
- Step 1 - Configure historical data and some future data on a PI (completed sprints, future sprints, and current sprints)
- Step 2 - Make sure you have Epics with the full hierarchy setup associating many features to stories that span across the PI and across many sprints. (make sure you have LOE associated with all stories
- Step 3 - Compare metrics across the M1 one report, backlog, and the planned vs accepted report to see if your current, past and future sprints match. If you drill down on the PIP report based on the anchor dates and hover over the scope line you'll notice the remaining points don't align there either.
Expected Results
Points planned = sum of LOE on all stories assigned to sprint + tier 1 program
- If a story is added to a sprint AFTER the sprint starts, it should still be included in this count
Points Accepted = sum of LOE on all stories accepted and assigned to sprint + tier 1 program
- If a story is added to a sprint AFTER the sprint starts, it should still be included in this count.
- If a story was accepted after sprint ended, it should still be included in this count
Also, update legend to say "Points planned" and "Points Accepted"
Update hover-over for blue bar to say "[Program Name] Points planned: X"
Update hover-over for black bar to say "[Program Name] Points accepted: X"
Actual Results
Story points are misaligned.
No work around at this time
- is related to
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- mentioned in
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