Issue Summary
API 2.0 endpoints are mistakenly returning the error message below when using a non-Super Admin user:
Steps to Reproduce
- By using a valid non-Super Admin token, make the following API v2 GET call (examples below):
- /rest/align/api/2/Themes
- /rest/align/api/2/Epics
- /rest/align/api/2/Capabilities
- /rest/align/api/2/Features
Expected Results
- Notice authentication works
- Notice status code HTTP 200 OK then work items are returned
Actual Results
- Notice no mention to authentication errors – assuming it worked due to previous results plus the lack of 401 error code.
- Notice HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST and variations of it.
- Splunk log:
{ [-] Level: Error MessageTemplate: Cannot find epics. Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') Properties: { [-] ActionId: 9ab9cbfb-1a44-445e-8ab9-d54703a57942 ActionName: AgileCraft.Api.Controllers.EpicsController.Get (AgileCraft.Api) Build: ParentId: Product: AgileCraft.Api RequestId: 8000d662-0000-d100-b63f-84710c7967bb RequestPath: /rest/align/api/2/Epics SourceContext: AgileCraft.Api.Controllers.EpicsController SpanId: |ebb1bc55-4f23ce828eaf354f. TraceId: ebb1bc55-4f23ce828eaf354f } RenderedMessage: Cannot find epics. Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') Timestamp: 2020-06-22T12:21:16.7043897-04:00 }
Set the role of the API user (user the token is associated with) to Super Admin and results will return as expected.
- relates to
JIRAALIGN-2063 API 2.0: GET call towards /align/api/2/Users/<id> or /align/api/2/Users renders HTTP 400 in Swagger and throws SqlException 0x80131904 in Splunk
- Closed
- mentioned in
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- resolves
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