Issue Summary
On-prem JA users are not able to add/create users if the on-prem instances have a system start date format of dd/mm/yyyy.
Steps to Reproduce
- Modify the system date format of the JA instance to dd/mm/yyyy (like in UK or AU)
- Navigate to Administration > People
- Add User and do not indicate a User start date.
- Observe
Expected Results
User should be added/created successfully
Actual Results
Unable to create user
Error: Error IN DbExecReturnID: INSERT INTO sysmemberpermssion ( Tips ,CreateDate ,StartDate ,UID ,FirstName ,LastName ,Email ,Title ,RID ,OrgManager ,Manager ,Region ,CostCenter ,DivisionID ,ViewPublicERs ,ExternalUser ,Skin ,TimeType ,IsTimeTracking ,TTStartDate ,HolidayCalendarID ,Notes ,HolidayCityID ,TimeZoneId ,IncludeInCalculations ,IsComplianceManager ,CityID ,ValidFrom ,ValidTo ,ContractorManager ,LastModified ,IsUserManager ) SELECT 1 ,'5/28/2020 8:37:13 AM' ,'5/28/2020 8:37:13 AM' ,'' ,'John' ,'johnuser' ,'' ,'DevOps Engineer' ,9 ,NULL ,NULL ,1 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,14 ,1 ,0 ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,'GMT Standard Time' ,NULL ,0 ,8 ,'28/05/2020' ,NULL ,NULL ,'5/28/2020 8:37:13 AM' ,0 Error = (Type mismatch)
User has to indicate the start date.