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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-1430

Strategic Driver allocation Report - stories are counted that are not accepted in actuals reportng


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • Stubborn Dragons - WT3
    • No

      Issue Summary

      We have received reports from customers that the Strategic Driver Report - Actuals output does not seem to match what we have documented, thus making the report difficult to interpret.

      The help documentation says:

      Epic/Strategic Driver Actuals = actual allocation based on accepted story points. It shows how many accepted story points each strategic driver has, based on all accepted story points for all associated epics. It is a bottoms-up calculation.

      The specific confusion deals with the information provided in the tool tips when hovering over the progress bars below the pie charts in the actuals section. There is a progress bar for each Epic in the list.

      According to the Help Docs:

      Epic/Strategic Driver Actuals = actual allocation based on accepted story points. It shows how many accepted story points each strategic driver has, based on all accepted story points for all associated epics. It is a bottoms-up calculation.

      In a customer example, they have Business Epic with 18 story points on the report. That Epic has one feature with 11 stories totaling up to 18 points. None of the stories have been accepted, yet the bar graph on the Actuals section of the Report underneath the Pie Chart shows 18 points for that Epic when hovered over with the mouse pointer. It's not clear what the number from the bar graph is supposed to represent, especially if the stories associated with those 18 points are not accepted.

      This is also reproducible on an internal instance. In my case, I used https://sabenw.agilecraft.com.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Log in to sabenw.agilecraft.com
      2. Leave the Tier 1 settings as-is (Digital Services Portfolio and Quarterly Increment QI-5)
      3. Navigate to the Drivers Allocation Report
      4. In the "actuals" section, hover the mouse over the progress bar of any initiatives and note the Story Points / Story Points ratio. The denominator is consistent (as expected) because that should reflect the total story points

      Expected Results

      If the help documentation is to be understood, then the bar graphs, when hovering over them, should only show the total story points in the numerator for Accepted Stories.

      Actual Results

      1. The confusion centers around what is represented in the numerator of each epic.
      2. For example, hovering over initiative 842 shows "16 Story Points / 2734 Story Points"
      3. Click on initiative 842
      4. Notice there are 4 Features associated with the Epic
      5. Hovering over the progress bars of 3 Features shows that we have accepted Story Point totals of 2, 16, and 86 points accepted.
      6. This doesn't seem to add up with what hovering over the progress bar in the Actuals report is telling us.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

        1. screenshot-1.png
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          Kent Baxley
        2. screenshot-2.png
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          Kent Baxley
        3. screenshot-3.png
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          Kent Baxley
        4. screenshot-4.png
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          Kent Baxley

              cgottlieb@atlassian.com Caz (Inactive)
              kbaxley Kent Baxley
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