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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-1382

[JIRAALIGN-1382] Work in process by value stream fails to load


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • Stubborn Dragons - SCORP2

      Issue Summary

      Work in process by value stream fails to load when a lot of programs are assigned to it.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to value stream
      2. Create a value stream of type capability
      3. Assign more than 94 programs into that value stream.
      4. Navigate to Work In Process by Value Stream (wipreportprocessstep grid)
      5. Select the capability value stream with more than 94 programs

      Expected Results

      Value stream should display

      Actual Results

      Nothing is displayed on the screen.

      ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.SetRSParamsCursor
         correlationid: SM6f2WO0dcypN9VGQP7w8xClgUOCUKVD5WDC/XxtIV0=
         customer_db: NewTmobile
         error_description: Incorrect syntax near '347'.
         error_id: 12377
         error_number: -2147217900
         error_source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
         log_type: exception
         logfrom_location: Website-ASP
         sql: EXEC X10X_RPM_GET_WIP_VALUE_STREAM_EPICS_SUMMARY '13' ,'301,297,298,253,299,205,277,204,326,210,37,304,303,38,17,45,369,368,40,367,328,18,605,452,396,218,44,641,455,10,366,271,200,53,285,95,313,310,330,15,612,381,48,651,207,308,649,525,46,47,225,41,50,42,28,331,353,351,26,211,56,424,423,426,429,215,16,616,397,13,398,393,316,302,223,221,11,534,224,219,270,214,35,305,579,306,324,208,344,345,343,348,349,346,347,643,274,254,296,295,300,23,198,212,55,284,356,29,654,39,332,363,364,365,535,611,213,294,6,243,329,652,359,379,49,357,217,209,382,206,52,394,420,201,54,390,51,199,639,9,293,222,272,352,27,653,377,280,383,43,19,311,273,312,307,12,650,376,315,380,372,327,370,241,242,543',0,NULL,NULL,2, NULL,'4'


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            cgottlieb@atlassian.com Caz (Inactive)
            lsoronio@atlassian.com Leo Soronio
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
