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  1. Identity
  2. ID-8229

Improve error message for failed invites when site does not have default access group (Jira)


      Customer reported that they couldn't add any new users to site. UI error message was as follows:

      Unable to add <email>
      We couldn't send your invitation. Try inviting that user again

      The network response has more information:

      {"key":"noDefaultGroup","context":{"message":"No default group for Product: Product{productId=jira-software, workspaceId=<xxx>, cloudId=<xxx>} and Role: JIRA_SOFTWARE_MEMBER"}}

      The related issue ID-8067 - Admin page allows removing default product access shows how it is possible for a site to get in a state where it has no default access group.


      Go to https://admin.atlassian.com/s/<cloud id>/apps and choose a default access group for Jira:

        1. screenshot-1.png
          569 kB
          Anusha Rutnam

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