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  1. Identity
  2. ID-79

Support LDAP integration with Cloud


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Resolution Status

      Hi everyone,

      We have shipped an integration with OKTA to enable Atlassian Access customers to connect to LDAP servers at no additional cost.

      The Atlassian Access team

      Atlassian status as of 13 March 2019

      Hi everyone,

      As Dave mentioned in the last update, we’ve implemented User provisioning with SCIM and you can use this mechanism to automate user and group provisioning.
      As a quick summary:


      The Atlassian Access team

      Atlassian status as of 31 Jan 2019

      Hi everyone,

      We're pleased to announce that documentation for the User provisioning (SCIM) API is now available on developer.atlassian.com. The API is an implementation of the SCIM specification and is intended to be used to sync users and groups from an identity provider to an Atlassian organization. Once you have linked an Atlassian Cloud site (like example.atlassian.net) to your organization, users and groups will be synced to your site and you can use them to control access to Jira and Confluence Cloud as well as permissions within those products. Learn more about how automatic user provisioning works with Atlassian Cloud.

      There are several key benefits to automating user provisioning for Atlassian Cloud:

      • It saves you time as an administrator by automating the process of creating and removing Atlassian accounts for your users
      • It improves security by reducing errors in the provisioning/deprovisioning process
      • It can help reduce costs by ensuring you are not billed for users who are no longer active

      The SCIM API is intended for customers who are not already using one of our supported identity providers. We currently support Okta and are actively working on support for Azure Active Directory and Onelogin. If you are using one of these identity providers, we recommend using the supported Atlassian app for these identity providers as this will simplify the configuration process.

      We're actively working in this area and will share another update when support for additional identity providers is available.

      Dave Meyer
      Atlassian Access Product Management


            vsankin vlad (Inactive)
            mknighten Michael Knighten (Inactive)
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