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  1. Identity
  2. ID-6964

Provide the option to allocate all product subscriptions of a deleted managed user to the administrator the action


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Organization administrators are getting blocked from deleting certain managed accounts because these accounts have active subscriptions tied to them, currently, this is demanding quite some effort from the administrator as they need to:

      1. Re-gain access to the Atlassian account so they can transfer the subscriptions
        • Sometimes they do not have an SSO to set that up easily
        • The mail box in most cases will no longer exist to recover the account
      2. As a last resort, they need to change the email to become an alias of their own accounts
      3. Transfer the actual subscriptions or simply deactivate them - Which depending on the product, may take up to 15 days as a Cloud site (Jira or Confluence) has to be destroyed before unblocking the account for deletion.

      There are cases where the end users had to initiate several Cloud sites for testing purposes, making the process very time consuming; or still have active free subscriptions related to Bitbucket; or any open quotes for Atlassian server based products.


      Make it possible for administrators to chose to allocate all the subscriptions, quotes, etc to the administrator performing the action, or also provide the option to automatically cancel and destroy everything.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rbecker Rodrigo B.
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