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  1. Identity
  2. ID-6519

Ability to disable notifications when domain is verified


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Latest update
      Hi everyone,

      We've received a lot of feedback about the friction our domain claim notification causes for admins when trying to claim a domain. While the notification is something we're legally required to do, as of May 6th we've officially moved the notice into our products and to a user's Atlassian profile page. This means we will no longer be sending the notice in email form.

      We hope this change improves the admin experience and makes it easier to claim domains. We are always looking to improve the admin user experience and the domain claim process, and appreciate any further feedback after this change

      Currently, when an admin claims a domain on an instance, an email like the below is fired off to all users under that domain:

      We're writing to let you know that your Atlassian account is now being managed by your Atlassian Cloud administrator.
      This won't change the way you log in to Atlassian products or how you use them. However, from now on if you want to update your email address, you'll need to contact your Atlassian Cloud administrator.

      As an admin, it'd be interesting to have the possibility of disabling those notifications to hundreds of users depending on the case, as users may not care about it.

            asridhara Adarsh
            epereira@atlassian.com bpevandro (Inactive)
            32 Vote for this issue
            36 Start watching this issue
