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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-2877

Date Picker no longer set to Monday On European Languages


    • ALL Languages

      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      In Confluence 5.8, when using the German Language pack, the date picker:

      • Has Monday as the first day of the week
      • Days are displayed in German

      However, In Confluence 5.9 and above, when using the German Language pack, the date picker:

      • Has Sunday as the first day of the week
      • Days are displayed in English

      Checked in confluence-language-pack-de_DE-5.10.0.rc1-v2r12978-2016-06-06.jar/i18n/aui_de_DE.properties noticed the line
      ajs.datepicker.localisations.first-day was set to 1,


      which supposed to set the day picker to start on Monday. However, the date picker still shows Sunday as the first day of the week

      Most of European countries start the week with Monday, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Week.


      No workaround yet

        1. day.JPG
          31 kB
          Wayne Wong
        2. datepicker.png
          16 kB
          Wayne Wong
        3. screenshot-1.png
          12 kB
          Monique Khairuliana
        4. screenshot-2.png
          62 kB
          Monique Khairuliana
        5. Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 12.46.11.png
          50 kB
          Jorrit van der Moolen
        6. Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 12.45.39.png
          51 kB
          Jorrit van der Moolen

            Unassigned Unassigned
            wwong Wayne Wong (Inactive)
            52 Vote for this issue
            47 Start watching this issue
