Resolution: Unresolved
Sometimes REST APIs have no options available to filter or order returned data. The unprocessed data may not be ready to be displayed in a field.
You often need to filter, sort, or perform a post-processing operation after retrieving the data from the API. An example could be combining the fields in the result to produce a more meaningful label.
ProForma has no way to process such results from the Configure step of the Data Connection wizard apart from mapping the field.
Provide a language to process results before you associate the items of the result to the ID/label.
One powerful solution could be using Groovy. Provide a way to edit a script to process data before it is passed to the next step of such a wizard.
In the meantime, Scriptrunner can be used to create a REST wrapper around such a limited REST API: it calls the original APIs and does the processing.
In ProForma, you can connect to your custom Scriptrunner REST endpoint to feed ProForma Connection in place of the original one.
- is cloned from
FORMDC-809 Add the ability to process REST results for Connections
- Gathering Interest