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  1. Proforma Server & Data Centre
  2. FORMDC-2

Ability to use choice questions values in automations


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Currently, it is possible to use the ProForma Smart Values during Automation for Jira automation as described in the article: ProForma Automation for Jira

      As per the article:

      The structure to access data, where AAA is the question ID number (not the Question Key defined in the form builder) is:

      Text/Email/URL/Number Fields: issue.properties."proforma.forms.i1".state.answers.AAA.text

      Date Fields: issue.properties."proforma.forms.i1".state.answers.AAA.date

      Time Fields: issue.properties."proforma.forms.i1".state.answers.AAA.time

      Name of a user: issue.properties."proforma.forms.i1".state.answers.AAA.users.get(0).name

      Choice Fields: issue.properties."proforma.forms.i1".state.answers.AAA.choices.get(0)

      All those smart values can be used during automation to dump ProForma question values into Jira fields, however, Choice Fileds will only copy the ID of the choice instead of the actual value.

      As a Jira administrator implementing automation that will copy several questions values into a single Jira text field, I find no use in the choice ID and it prevents me to implement this automation.

              045841ec42f3 Carlie Hamilton (Inactive)
              psouza Pedro Souza
              13 Vote for this issue
              12 Start watching this issue
