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  1. Atlassian Ecosystem
  2. ECO-6

JavaScript API doesn't work if Jira runs in iframe itself

    • Minor
    • 3

      Created from https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ACJIRA-2613

      Issue Summary

      Our customers want to embed our Jira app’s UI into Confluence pages. To do so, they add an iframe using Confluence’s built-in iframe macro, pointing to the respective Jira URL (e.g. https://foo.atlassian.net/projects/FOO?selectedItem=com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-connect-plugin:app.jxl).

      In this setup, the Connect JavaScript API - while being loaded seemingly successfully - doesn’t work; the various callbacks, like window.AP.getCurrentUser, simply never resolve.


      To verify, call

      window.AP.getCurrentUser((x) => console.log(x));


      from the Connect iframe's console. It works if Jira runs in its own browser window, but doesn’t resolve if Jira runs within the iframe.

      There's suspicion that Connect gets confused about to the two nested iframes: First, Jira in Confluence, and then our app in Jira.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Confluence’s built-in iframe macro, pointing to the respective Jira URL (e.g. https://foo.atlassian.net/projects/FOO?selectedItem=com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-connect-plugin:app.jxl).
      2. Call from the Connect iframe's console:
        window.AP.getCurrentUser((x) => console.log(x));

      Expected Results

      It resolves within Jira iframe.

      Actual Results

      It doesn’t resolve if Jira runs within the iframe. 


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available


      Additionally it blocks important use cases for customers.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Atlassian Ecosystem'
            1. Atlassian Ecosystem
            2. ECO-6

            JavaScript API doesn't work if Jira runs in iframe itself

              • Minor
              • 3

                Created from https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ACJIRA-2613

                Issue Summary

                Our customers want to embed our Jira app’s UI into Confluence pages. To do so, they add an iframe using Confluence’s built-in iframe macro, pointing to the respective Jira URL (e.g. https://foo.atlassian.net/projects/FOO?selectedItem=com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-connect-plugin:app.jxl).

                In this setup, the Connect JavaScript API - while being loaded seemingly successfully - doesn’t work; the various callbacks, like window.AP.getCurrentUser, simply never resolve.


                To verify, call

                window.AP.getCurrentUser((x) => console.log(x));


                from the Connect iframe's console. It works if Jira runs in its own browser window, but doesn’t resolve if Jira runs within the iframe.

                There's suspicion that Connect gets confused about to the two nested iframes: First, Jira in Confluence, and then our app in Jira.

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Confluence’s built-in iframe macro, pointing to the respective Jira URL (e.g. https://foo.atlassian.net/projects/FOO?selectedItem=com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-connect-plugin:app.jxl).
                2. Call from the Connect iframe's console:
                  window.AP.getCurrentUser((x) => console.log(x));

                Expected Results

                It resolves within Jira iframe.

                Actual Results

                It doesn’t resolve if Jira runs within the iframe. 


                Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available


                Additionally it blocks important use cases for customers.

                        a927362f27e1 Varun Bhargava (Inactive)
                        ed2f9d56d345 Szymon Rękawek
                        24 Vote for this issue
                        21 Start watching this issue


                            a927362f27e1 Varun Bhargava (Inactive)
                            ed2f9d56d345 Szymon Rękawek
                            Affected customers:
                            24 This affects my team
                            21 Start watching this issue
