Issue Summary
session.tokenkey value sometimes generated with quotes. This can impact the SSO experience by unexpectedly overwriting cookies
- Crowd 3.3.3
- Confluence any version
Steps to Reproduce
- Connect Confluence and Crowd with SSO
- Login to Confluence as Crowd users
- Go to Browser Console, to check the session cookies generated
Expected Results
Session.tokenkey (or crowd.token_key) value will not have quotes
Actual Results
Session.tokenkey (or crowd.token_key) values will have quotes when an equal(=) sign exist in the token
Looking into the HAR file, the token with quotes will have 1 pair of quotes being escaped that look something like this:
"name": "crowd.token_key", "value": "\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=\"",
- This issue not seen without SSO
- This issue does not exists in Crowd version 3.2.5
- As the Token is being generated randomly, the affected user can try to Log Out and re-Log In again to get a new token generated.
There are still chances that after re-logging the user still get another token with an equal(=) symbol in it and hitting into the same issue
- mentioned in
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