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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-4307

Add administrative ability to audit specific users that count against the Crowd license


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      For purposes of auditing an active user license count, our customers have requested an easier way to obtain a list of active users per directory who count against the Crowd license. Currently the Crowd interface is able to list the number of users that are counted (in Crowd Admin > License Details) but does not list the actual users. The current process to get this information is very tedious and manual.

      Until this is implemented, you will need to audit users by examining the directory-application mapping manually:

      1. Navigate to Applications, and click on one of your configured applications
      2. Click on Directories tab in the application configurations to see what user directories are mapped to this application
      3. If "Allow all to authenticate" is set to true, then every active user in that directory will count against the Crowd license
        1. To check which users are in that directory, go to Users in the top bar, and search for all users in that user directory
      4. If "Allow all to authenticate" is set to false, then proceed to Groups tab within the application configurations. Every active user who belongs in at least one of these groups will count against the license.
        1. To check the membership of these groups, go to Groups in the top bar, and search for the group in the correct user directory.
        2. Click on the group, and navigate to Direct members to see its group membership
        3. If there are nested groups, you will need to follow through to those nested groups to see those members

      NOTE: If there are multiple user directories, even if they are configured to point to the same LDAP and contain users that have the same username across the directories, they will be counted multiple times.

      For example, let's say you have Directory 1 and Directory 2, both configured identically. Directory 1 is mapped to JIRA, and Directory 2 is mapped to Confluence. Both have identical user sets, but because the users exist in separate directories, Crowd treats each directory separately and the same username will be counted twice against the license.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rchang Robert Chang
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