Uploaded image for project: 'Crowd Data Center'
  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-2421

'Lower Case Output' option can cause mismatch in database with applications


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 2.3.2
    • None
    • None


      • Crowd and an integrated application are both using a case insensitive databases
      • Data with capital letters has been added to Crowd and the application (users, groups, etc)
      • Lower Case Output is turned on
      • Changes are made to the users and groups
      • There is now inconsistent data between Crowd and the other application

      Exmaple (pictures below):

      • JIRA and Crowd integrated, screenshots show 2 users and 2 groups with upper case and lower case.
      • Turn on Lower Case Output
      • Remove the UPPERCASEGROUP
      • Sync JIRA and notice that there is no change to users/groups
      • Add UPPERCASEGROUP back
      • Sync JIRA, notice the screenshot where it now shows 1 user per group instead of 2.
        • Logs show a duplicate entry error

        1. ci db - lowercase output 1.jpg
          ci db - lowercase output 1.jpg
          197 kB
        2. ci db - lowercase output 2.jpg
          ci db - lowercase output 2.jpg
          171 kB
        3. ci db - lowercase output 3.jpg
          ci db - lowercase output 3.jpg
          164 kB
        4. ci db - lowercase output 4.jpg
          ci db - lowercase output 4.jpg
          166 kB
        5. ci db - lowercase output 5.jpg
          ci db - lowercase output 5.jpg
          212 kB

            ahempel Adrian Hempel [Atlassian]
            dchan David Chan
            2 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
