Uploaded image for project: 'Crowd Data Center'
  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-238

Confluence plugin that creates Crowd users with fn, ln, email and specifies groups principal should be added to other than confluence-users.


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      2) Applications that are Crowd-enabled should not be required to disable user-management features. This includes allowing a new user to signup, change their password, reset their password, or other management features. It is possible that the application could forward the user to to Crowd-versions of these requests, but would be better to allow the application to use Crowd behind-the-scenes to do this.

      The way I imagine this is that a plugin is available. Through an administration screen or as a file the administrator can select which groups other than 'confluence-users' the user can automatically be created in. Additionally, the fn, ln and email address are not being passed to Crowd when a user is created if external user management is disabled.

              justen.stepka@atlassian.com Justen Stepka [Atlassian]
              justen.stepka@atlassian.com Justen Stepka [Atlassian]
              2 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue


                  Original Estimate - 16h
                  Remaining Estimate - 16h
                  Time Spent - Not Specified
                  Not Specified