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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-2021

Forgotten password and username workflow for CrowdID


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 2.1
    • 2.1
    • OpenID
    • None
    • Atlassian CrowdID Version: 2.1.0-m15 (Build:#423 - 04-08-2010)

      The password reset workflow in the CrowdID UI should work the same way as in the Crowd User Console.

      This is what happens at the moment:

      1. User goes to CrowdID login screen and clicks 'Forgotten your password'.
      2. The 'Reset Your Password' screen appears. See screenshot 1.
      3. User enters their username and clicks 'Continue'.
      4. Screen appears saying their password is on the way. See screenshot 2.
      5. Email arrives. Here is the email it generated for 'arthur':

        Hello Arthur Dent,

        You (or someone else) have requested to reset your password for Crowd on Wed Aug 11 13:13:34 EST 2010.

        If you follow the link below you will be able to personally reset your password.

        This password reset request is valid for the next 24 hours.

        Here are the details of your account:

        Username: arthur
        Full Name: Arthur Dent

        Crowd Administrator

        1. screenshot-1.jpg
          121 kB
        2. screenshot-2.jpg
          111 kB

            onevalainen Olli Nevalainen
            smaddox SarahA
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