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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-91456

websudo does not work for space admins in Confluence version 8.5.1


      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on the Data Center: yes

      Issue happens only on 8.5.1 and works fine on 8.5.0

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install Confluence Data Center 8.5.1
      2. Create a Confluence test user with can use permissions in Global permissions
      3. Assign all the space permissions in a space to the test user.
      4. Enable websudo by referring to the KB article Configuring Secure Administrator Sessions - websudo
      5. Login with the test user and go to the space where the user has space admin permissions and access space admin pages under the Space Tools.
      6. Go to Space Tools --> Restricted Pages page or Select "Edit Permissions" and you will not be permitted.

      Expected Results

      The user is prompted with websudo (re)login and The user is able to access the Space Tools -> Restricted Pages page and is able to go to the Edit Permissions page/mode

      Actual Results

      The user gets a Not Permitted page with the message "You are not permitted to perform this operation."


      There are two workarounds:

      1. Disable websudo OR
      2. Add the user to the confluence-administrators group or assign the user with same global permissions

              schegde Sujay C Hegde
              b16cacd1db0f Pushpanjali Shivaramu
              48 Vote for this issue
              57 Start watching this issue
