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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-8798

Rich text editor adds new line before and after inline user macros

      User macros embedded in a line(or on it's own line) creates extra lines when going between wiki markup and rich text editor. It's similar but not the same to CONF-7628 which was resolved. In that new lines were created repeatedly.

      1. Define User Macro
      Macro Name: p
      Macro Body: Macro has a Body (use unprocessed macro body)
      Output: Macro generates html markup
      Template: <b>$body</b>

      2. edit in wiki mode

      Some text before inline macro

      {p}Macro Body{p}

      more text after inline macro.

      3. save and view

      Some text before inline macro <b>Macro Body</b> more text after inline macro.

      4. open in rte brings

      Some text before inline macro

      {p}Macro Body{p}

       more text after inline macro.

      5. after save we got the following page view with 2 unwanted newlines before the macro and 2 unwanted macros after macro

      Some text before inline macro

      <b>Macro Body</b>

      more text after inline macro.

      When we use a user macro which generates wiki markup its even worse. Than we got unwanted newlines even in the wiki editor.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
            1. Confluence Data Center
            2. CONFSERVER-8798

            Rich text editor adds new line before and after inline user macros

                User macros embedded in a line(or on it's own line) creates extra lines when going between wiki markup and rich text editor. It's similar but not the same to CONF-7628 which was resolved. In that new lines were created repeatedly.

                1. Define User Macro
                Macro Name: p
                Macro Body: Macro has a Body (use unprocessed macro body)
                Output: Macro generates html markup
                Template: <b>$body</b>

                2. edit in wiki mode

                Some text before inline macro

                {p}Macro Body{p}

                more text after inline macro.

                3. save and view

                Some text before inline macro <b>Macro Body</b> more text after inline macro.

                4. open in rte brings

                Some text before inline macro

                {p}Macro Body{p}

                 more text after inline macro.

                5. after save we got the following page view with 2 unwanted newlines before the macro and 2 unwanted macros after macro

                Some text before inline macro

                <b>Macro Body</b>

                more text after inline macro.

                When we use a user macro which generates wiki markup its even worse. Than we got unwanted newlines even in the wiki editor.

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        nicholas@atlassian.com Nicholas Ilacqua [Atlassian]
                        29 Vote for this issue
                        26 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            nicholas@atlassian.com Nicholas Ilacqua [Atlassian]
                            Affected customers:
                            29 This affects my team
                            26 Start watching this issue
