Issue Summary

      Configuring Wildcard expression hangs in Whitelist page.
      In Confluence 7.13, Allowlist(replaced from Whitelist) page has changed and doesn't happen this issue.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      NG procedure pattern

      1.Enter the wild card URL to "Expression".
      2.Enable "Allow Incoming" => Type will be change to "Domain name" automatically.
      3.Hit "Add"
      => You can't configure whitelist, and the page will be hang up.

      Expected Results

      You can configure Wildcard expression.

      Actual Results

      Whitelist page will be hang up.


      Use the following "OK procedure pattern". Or upgrade latest Confluence version.

      OK procedure pattern

      1.Enable "Allow Incoming"
      2.Enter the wild card URL to "Expression". => Type will be change to "Wildcard expression" automatically.
      3.Hit "Add"

            [CONFSERVER-78140] Configuring Wildcard expression hangs in Whitelist page

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              Unassigned Unassigned
              ff3967e4ed5f Ryoji Takata (Inactive)
              Affected customers:
              0 This affects my team
              2 Start watching this issue
