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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-7262

Can't escape double-backslash (like '\\') in wiki markup editor

      Very simple task, but without some obvious solution:
      In WikiMarkup editor, is there any way to type "\\" in the middle of a sentence? For example, what should I type to get:
      My name is \\peter\\.
      Even when you use RichTextEditor and type in this sentence, Confluence pretends to be smart and produces funny results. Switch several times from WikiMarkup to RTE back and forth and the results are even funnier.
      OK, I know that "\\" stands for line break. But I don't want a line break, I just want plain vanilla backslashes (don't ask why is this so important to me). I have tried with "\\\", "\\\\", ended with "\\\\\\\\"... without desired result.
      Some other simple text constructs are also tricky. What should I type into the RTE or WME to get:
      My name is {{peter}}.
      Don't try (in WME):
      ... \{\{peter\}\}
      'cause it does not work. And RTE does not help with this. In fact, it looks like RTE works like "what you see is what you get... almost".

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
            1. Confluence Data Center
            2. CONFSERVER-7262

            Can't escape double-backslash (like '\\') in wiki markup editor

                Very simple task, but without some obvious solution:
                In WikiMarkup editor, is there any way to type "\\" in the middle of a sentence? For example, what should I type to get:
                My name is \\peter\\.
                Even when you use RichTextEditor and type in this sentence, Confluence pretends to be smart and produces funny results. Switch several times from WikiMarkup to RTE back and forth and the results are even funnier.
                OK, I know that "\\" stands for line break. But I don't want a line break, I just want plain vanilla backslashes (don't ask why is this so important to me). I have tried with "\\\", "\\\\", ended with "\\\\\\\\"... without desired result.
                Some other simple text constructs are also tricky. What should I type into the RTE or WME to get:
                My name is {{peter}}.
                Don't try (in WME):
                ... \{\{peter\}\}
                'cause it does not work. And RTE does not help with this. In fact, it looks like RTE works like "what you see is what you get... almost".

                        smansour Sherif Mansour
                        786c62d4e2ca Sasa Markovic
                        9 Vote for this issue
                        7 Start watching this issue


                            smansour Sherif Mansour
                            786c62d4e2ca Sasa Markovic
                            Affected customers:
                            9 This affects my team
                            7 Start watching this issue
