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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-60157

Cannot add custom field as columns in Jira Issue Macro (table view) due to case-sensitivity



      In a Confluence site version 7.4.x or 7.6.x connected to a Jira Software via an application link.

      We cannot add 2 Jira custom fields as columns to display in a Jira Issue Macro (table view) due to case-sensitivity.


      Confluence version 7.4.x or 7.6.x connected to a Jira Software version 8.4.2 via an application link

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create 2 custom fields in Jira and configure them to be displayed on some default screens for the user to fill in. In our example, we called these fields end date and End date and they were date pickers.
      2. Create a new Jira Issue / Bug and assign a new value to these fields
      3. Go to Confluence and create a new Confluence page adding a Jira Issue Macro
      4. Customize the Jira Issue Macro and try to make the new custom fields displayed as a column in a Table view

      Expected Results

      The user can pick the 2 custom fields as columns to display in a Jira Issue Macro

      Actual Results

      After picking the first custom field, the second one becomes unavailable for selection in the Jira Issue Macro


      No Workaround at this stage except renaming fields on the Jira side that may not be convenient for the user needs.


      A video is attached with my steps to reproduce in Confluence

            zxu2@atlassian.com Zac Xu
            2e857505f334 Pascal Oberle
            4 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
