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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-56442

Markdown converter in Confluence does not handle Indentation correctly


      Markdown converter in Confluence does not handle Indentation correctly


      Confluence 6.7.2
      Confluence 6.11.1

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a new Page
      2. Open the Markup Converter (Ctrl+Shift+D)
      3. Select Markdown from the dropdown list
      4. Paste the Markdown format below:
        * Bullet 1
        * Bullet 2
          * Bullet 2a
          * Bullet 2b

      Expected Results

      The Preview section should look like this according to the Markdown inserted:

      Actual Results

      The bullet and indent are not being converted correctly as seen below:


      However, if there is following outdented bullet in the next line, the markdown will be converted correctly:

      * Bullet 1
      * Bullet 2
        * Bullet 2a
        * Bullet 2b
      * Bullet 3

      The same Markdown format is tested on the online site below and it proved that Confluence is not handling it correctly:

        1. Actual.JPG
          12 kB
        2. Expected.JPG
          11 kB
        3. Information.JPG
          32 kB

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
            1. Confluence Data Center
            2. CONFSERVER-56442

            Markdown converter in Confluence does not handle Indentation correctly


                Markdown converter in Confluence does not handle Indentation correctly


                Confluence 6.7.2
                Confluence 6.11.1

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Create a new Page
                2. Open the Markup Converter (Ctrl+Shift+D)
                3. Select Markdown from the dropdown list
                4. Paste the Markdown format below:
                  * Bullet 1
                  * Bullet 2
                    * Bullet 2a
                    * Bullet 2b

                Expected Results

                The Preview section should look like this according to the Markdown inserted:

                Actual Results

                The bullet and indent are not being converted correctly as seen below:


                However, if there is following outdented bullet in the next line, the markdown will be converted correctly:

                * Bullet 1
                * Bullet 2
                  * Bullet 2a
                  * Bullet 2b
                * Bullet 3

                The same Markdown format is tested on the online site below and it proved that Confluence is not handling it correctly:

                  1. Actual.JPG
                    12 kB
                  2. Expected.JPG
                    11 kB
                  3. Information.JPG
                    32 kB

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        btan@atlassian.com Damien Tan
                        Affected customers:
                        0 This affects my team
                        2 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            btan@atlassian.com Damien Tan
                            Affected customers:
                            0 Vote for this issue
                            2 Start watching this issue
