We have a few users that have complained about time entry being a bit cumbersome. They enter 02:00 and it yells at them to enter 2:00, if they don't put the space between the time and pm, they get yelled at. It would be simpler to just offer some sort of control to more easily pick the time. Maybe add a pulldown with hours, one for minutes, and another pulldown for am/pm, or maybe a pulldown with all 3 in certain minute increments. I'm sure there are better controls than the 3 pulldowns, but currently it's just bothersome to try to fit in the perfect validation package that is required in the latest version of Team Calendars. There's always the ability like with Google calendar that when creating an event, you can say "3pm Dinner with wife" and it'll read the 3pm in as the start time.
Thank you for raising this suggestion. We regret to inform you that due to limited demand, we have no plans to implement it in the foreseeable future. In order to set expectations, we're closing this request now. Sometimes potentially valuable tickets do get closed where the Summary or Description has not caught the attention of the community. If you feel that this suggestion is valuable, consider describing in more detail or outlining how this request will help you achieve your goals. We may then be able to provide better guidance. Thanks again.
Confluence Product Management