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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-48498

Changes to JIRA issues never synchronize to Team Calendars without manually refreshing the calendar



      Team Calendars are configured to display JIRA data. Making a change to a JIRA issue in JIRA is never reflected in Team Calendars unless the calendar is manually refreshed or Confluence's cache is cleared. Changes also do not get pushed through to external subscription feeds.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a calendar in Confluence.
      2. Add a new JIRA event using the 'Event Type' - JIRA Issue Date.
      3. Select Project and an applicable Project in the Display drop-down list.
      4. Select all check boxes under Single Date:
      5. In JIRA, make a change to the Due Date on one of the existing issues.
      6. Wait

      Expected Results

      The calendar will update within 1 hour.

      Actual Results

      The calendar never updates.

      Workaround (only available for Confluence server)

      1. Go to > General Configuration > Cache Management.
      2. Choose Show Advanced View.
      3. For all Team Calendar caches, click the Adjust Size link and change the 'Maximum elements' to 1.
      4. Click Submit.

      The following caches are available:

      • Team Calendars - iCal subscription sub-calendar data
      • Team Calendars - JIRA Agile Sprints sub-calendar events
      • Team Calendars - JIRA connection drag drop support
      • Team Calendars - JIRA Project Release sub-calendar events
      • Team Calendars - JIRA sub-calendar data (old)
      • Team Calendars - JIRA sub-calendar events
      • Team Calendars - JIRA sub-calendars
      • Team Calendars - User preferences

            dluong Duy Truong Luong
            jbennett@atlassian.com J van Leeuwen
            22 Vote for this issue
            29 Start watching this issue
