Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
SELECT customcont0_.CONTENTID AS x0_?_ FROM CONTENT customcont0_WHERE customcont0_.CONTENTTYPE=? AND ((customcont0_.CONTENTID IN(select customcont1_.CONTENTID FROM CONTENT customcont1_, CONTENT_LABEL labelling2_ WHERE customcont1_.CONTENTTYPE=? AND ((customcont1_.PREVVER IS null )and(customcont1_.CONTENT_STATUS=? )and(customcont1_.PLUGINKEY=? )and(labelling2_.CONTENTID=customcont1_.CONTENTID )and(labelling2_.LABELID IN(?)))GROUP by customcont1_.CONTENTID , customcont1_.CREATIONDATEHAVING (count(labelling2_.ID)=? )))) ORDER by customcont0_.CREATIONDATE DESC limit ?
- Discovered while testing
CONFSERVER-47650 Unanswered questions query slow when there is a lot of unanswered questions
- Closed
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-47740 Recent questions for topic X query is slow
- Closed
- Testing discovered
CONFSERVER-47962 Variable performance for /rest/questions/1.0/statistics
- Closed