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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-45861

Recently worked on dashboard showing incorrect timestamps when clients do not have round amount Time Zones





      Users that's accessing Confluence with computers that has non-round timezones (like UTC +9:30) are not seeing correct timestamps in their "Recently Worked On" page in the dashboard

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Set the Confluence server timezone to UTC-5
      2. Set a client/user computer time zone to any non-round amount of hours and positively shifted from UTC; for example UTC+9:30 Darwin
      3. Access Confluence and Edit a document.
      4. Document shows "Created by USER, last modified just a moment ago".
      5. Open Dashboard, "Recently worked on" shows modified "Yesterday".
      6. Set computer time zone to any with round amount of hours and shifted from UTC in any direction; for example UTC+10 Brisbane.
      7. Refresh "Recently worked on" — now it will properly display edited page under "Today".

      Screencast attached to this bug report: Recording #15.avi

      Expected Results

      • Edited page should be displayed under in "Recently worked on" section under "Today" regardless of the time zone settings.


      • Index rebuild from scratch doesn't help
      • Time zone in user's profile is irrelevant.
      • This issue does not exist for negative shifted zones, (for example, UTC -9:30 and UTC -3:30)

      This issue can also be replicated with timezones that are very close to each other such as:

      Server Timezone GMT+8 (Kuala Lumpur, Singapore)
      Browsing Client Timezone GMT+8.45 (Eucla)

      This doesn't seem to be due to how big is the gap between 2 timezones, but the mismatch of the minute difference

      This issue is important for Confluence with users from different timezones.
      This can cause confusion among users.


        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              mkhairuliana Monique Khairuliana (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

