Resolution: Unresolved
NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
This is for Confluence Cloud (6.0.0-OD-2016.12.4)
Problem Definition
A customer is trying to set up his Confluence instance so that every new user will by default have the Subscribe to new follower notifications checked as well as Autowatch and all the other settings unchecked. It is currently only possible to do so by asking each user to set these settings themselves in their Confluence profile email settings.
Suggested Solution
It would be great if an administrator could set the default values for the email settings in a Confluence user profile so that each new user will have these settings from the start (currently it is only possible to configure the recommended email updates).
- is related to
CONFSERVER-39970 As Confluence Admin I would like to configure default Email Settings for users
- Gathering Interest
CONFSERVER-81051 As Confluence User, I am unable to enter details and submit a form on Confluence
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-41296 As an administrator, I want to be able to set default values for user Email settings
- Closed