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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-37890

Page Properties Report is fetching a limited number of pages



      Page Property Report Macros only fetches a limited number of pages.


      Experienced in 6.3.1 while issues reported from previous versions listed in the "Affected Version"

      Steps to Reproduce

      How to reproduce method #1: Use the sample Space Export

      Get this XML space export 900pagesPPRmacro.zip which is a space that contains 900 pages containing Page Property macro with the labels "discussion"

      1. Load the page with the title "PP Report Macro with Number of items to display = 100" from the xml export
      2. Load the page with the title "PP Report Macro with Number of items to display = 10000" from the xml export
      How to reproduce method #2: create own space with 900 pages containing page-properties (any number more than 500):
      1. create a space with more than 500 (eg: 900) pages containing page-properties.
      2. create a page containing the page-properties-report macro and set the "number of objects to be shown" to 100 and 10000
          <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="08027386-e7e9-4d92-8ad6-5168aa775020" ac:name="detailssummary" ac:schema-version="2">
            <ac:parameter ac:name="pageSize">100</ac:parameter>
            <ac:parameter ac:name="analytics-key">requirements</ac:parameter>
            <ac:parameter ac:name="cql">label = "product" and space = currentSpace()</ac:parameter>

      Expected Results

      1. all 900 pages should be listed and the page should have 9 tabs appeared (100 result for every tab)
      2. all 900 pages should be displayed

      Actual Results

      1. only 5 tabs are listed in this page (100 pages on every tab = only displaying 500 pages)
      2. only 500 pages are listed
        • Results may vary from 500-550

      The following appears in atlassian-confluence.log:

      2017-07-16 16:59:58,699 WARN [pool-12-thread-2] [atlassian.confluence.event.MonitorableCallerRunsPolicy] rejectedExecution Queue Overflow happened: Runnable: [Invoker: com.atlassian.confluence.event.ConfluenceListenerHandlersConfiguration$TimingListenerHandler$1$1@16fe75dc; Event: com.atlassian.confluence.impl.content.render.xhtml.analytics.MarshallerMetricsAnalyticsEvent@bcfc4d6]; Executor: [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@3569abb7[Running, pool size = 2, active threads = 2, queued tasks = 256, completed tasks = 30473]]
       -- url: /rest/masterdetail/1.0/detailssummary/lines | referer: http://localhost:8613/display/PPM/PP+Report+Macro+with+Number+of+items+to+display+%3D+10000 | traceId: 723d28b96b998853 | userName: admin
      1. Increasing http threads and database connection threads does not make any difference
      2. Disabling Analytics does not make any difference and the logs above still appears
      3. Increasing Page Property Report Caching does not make any difference


      The issue is specifically caused by an issue in "fetching" the complete result. This is because when we change the Page Property Report macro configuration as "Reverse Sort" (and the pages are sorted based on modified date), the oldest pages now appears in the list while the recently created pages disappeared.

        1. 900pagesPPRmacro.zip
          98 kB
          Monique Khairuliana
        2. PagePropertiesMacro.xlsx
          32 kB
          Janet Albion

              aknight@atlassian.com Alex K
              25ecd6effc02 georg
              87 Vote for this issue
              99 Start watching this issue
