Resolution: Obsolete
5.6.3, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9.0-OD-57, 5.10.2, 6.2.0, 6.1.2, 7.4.1
Severity 2 - Major
NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
All user management features are missing from Confluence 5.6.3 (also 5.6 and 5.6.1) if a Cloud/OnDemand instance with the "user management" dark feature is imported.
Reproduction steps:
- Export an Cloud/OnDemand instance that has the unified user management dark feature enabled
- Restore this XML backup to Confluence 5.6.3
- Log in to the Confluence admin console
- User link and Group link should both be missing, user management is also missing from the cog.
Expected behavior
User management links should be visible to admins in the Confluence admin console and the cog
Actual behavior
User management links are not visible to admins in the Confluence admin console and the cog
Related Notes
- These sections are accessible using the direct url, it is just the links in the left hand menu and the cog that are missing
- Only affects Confluence 5.6 and above
- The user and group management areas can be accessed directly via url:
- Users: <base_url>/admin/users/showallusers.action
- Groups: <base_url>/admin/users/browsegroups.action
- Try to disable the dark feature:
- Log into Confluence with an user with administrator permissions.
- Go to the URL <base_url>/admin/darkfeatures.action
- Click on remove by the entry unified.usermanagement.
- Or you can use the following SQL to disable the dark feature. The Confluence cache will need to be flushed, and the links will reappear.
delete from BANDANA where BANDANAKEY = 'confluence.darkfeature';
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-35177 User and Group Links Missing from Admin Console After Migrating From OnDemand to Confluence 5.6.x
- Closed
- mentioned in
Page No Confluence page found with the given URL.
Page No Confluence page found with the given URL.
Page No Confluence page found with the given URL.
Page No Confluence page found with the given URL.
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