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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-31528

When Space XML Imports Fail, Partial Space Data is Left in the Database


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      Space XML imports will sometimes fail due to a variety of reasons:

      Oftentimes these partially imported spaces remain in the DB without any way to remove them via the UI, making a re-import attempt impossible (due to a duplicate Space Key or other constraint violation).

      Can we investigate:

      • some way to rollback a failed XML space import (or determine whether imports will fail before it starts)?
      • possibilities for Confluence to automatically recognise half-imported Spaces and delete related data from the UI?

      Current workaround: How to Manually Delete a Space (Cloud users will need to contact Atlassian Support and request removing the Space from Confluence database)

        1. Postgres.PNG
          10 kB
          Mark Benson
        2. Postgres1.PNG
          5 kB
          Mark Benson
        3. Postgres2.PNG
          31 kB
          Mark Benson

              glipatov George Lipatov
              rchang Robert Chang
              108 Vote for this issue
              102 Start watching this issue
