Resolution: Fixed
5.1-OD-4, 5.8.5, 5.8.14, 6.15.6, 7.2.1, 7.3.5
OnDemand, BTF
Severity 2 - Major
NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
The Space Admin functionality allows a space to have 'Anonymous Access' allowed and displays the following warning:
Anonymous users will not be able to view this space, because they have not been granted the global ‘Use Confluence’ permission. You can grant anonymous access to Confluence from global permissions.
The global permissions of the Confluence environment prevents anonymous users from accessing Confluence.
However, a user that is permissioned to Confluence but does not belong to a group that is currently permissioned to the space is now able to access the space. Examples of this behaviour have been attached.
Removing the anonymous flag from the space will then prevent this user from being able to access the space. You can use the following query to identify spaces with Anonymous permissions enabled:
SELECT spacename, spacekey FROM spaces WHERE spaceid IN (SELECT spaceid FROM spacepermissions WHERE permgroupname IS NULL AND permusername IS NULL);
- is caused by
CONFSERVER-4955 Confluence users should inherit permissions from the anonymous user
- Closed
- is duplicated by
CONFCLOUD-53769 Authenticated users inherit anonymous access space permissions with public access disabled.
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-40790 Space anonymous permissions having effects
- Closed
CONFSERVER-40487 If public is disabled public access space permissions should bet set to default.
- Closed
CONFSERVER-11553 Improve the explanations for Not Permitted error
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
CONFSERVER-38298 Anonymous space permission allows anyone who logged-in to access space, even when global permissions are set to prevent anonymous access
- Closed
CONFCLOUD-28946 Anonymous space permission allows non-permissioned groups to access space, when global permissions are set to prevent anonymous access
- Gathering Interest
PSR-630 Loading...
- mentioned in
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A fix for this issue is available to Server and Data Center customers in Confluence 7.13.0
Upgrade now or check out the Release Notes to see what other issues are resolved.