Resolution: Obsolete
5.0.1, 5.4.2, 5.10.4, 6.0.4, 6.13.10, 6.15.9, 6.15.10, 7.0.5, 7.13.0, 7.13.7
Severity 2 - Major
NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
CONF-6404 was implemented to create users in the People Directory on initial LDAP sync, rather than waiting until the users log in. This behaved correctly in 4.3.2 onwards, but appears to no longer be working in 5.0.1. This is potentially an issue in 5.0 as well.
- Open this URL in your browser: <Confluence-URL>/admin/force-upgrade.action
- Select userIndexingUpgradeTask in the Upgrade task to run dropdown list.
- Choose Force Upgrade.
- is a regression of
CONFSERVER-6404 Users from LDAP do not appear in people directory or search results until they have logged in
- Closed
- is cloned from
CONFSERVER-6404 Users from LDAP do not appear in people directory or search results until they have logged in
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-33244 User autocomplete not finding all users
- Closed
CONFSERVER-36018 Duplicates in the People Directory due to duplicates in the user_mapping table
- Closed
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-28615 Users from LDAP do not appear in people directory or search results until they have logged in
- Closed
CONFSERVER-35279 Missing people from People Directory on Confluence
- Closed
BSERV-3607 Add Users to Stash without need for the User to login to Stash URL
- Gathering Interest
- mentioned in
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James Ponting mentions planned work of separating user indexing from a full index, which should allow a less disruptive workaround should it be required in the future. Is there a separate issue that I can follow to track the progress of that separate user index?
We experience the issue where new users are occasionally not available for an "@" mention. Steps I need to follow to address are doing full site re-index and then going into People directory and forcing username to come up through the directory. Steps are described in this support article: https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/unable-to-mention-certain-users-in-confluence-779165995.html. The steps work, but I do not like having to do a full site re-index each time it occurs.
We are in version 8.7.2, so do not have the 'UserIndexingUpgradeTask' task option available to us.