Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-25595

Additional email headers lookalike in exported Word doc when viewing in a text editor


      Here are the following steps on how to reproduce this bug report:
      Confluence 4.1.x:

      1. Go to any space and create a page
      2. Click on 'Tools -> Export to Word'
      3. Save the Word doc file
      4. Open it with a text editor
      5. This is the result:

      Confluence 4.2.x:

      1. Go to any space and create a page
      2. Click on 'Tools -> Export to Word'
      3. Save the Word doc file
      4. Open it with a text editor or with a web browser as a HTML file
      5. This is how it will look like (notice the additional email header lookalike, it's also there at the bottom but not in this screen shot):

        1. Export_Word_Broken.jpg
          121 kB
        2. Export_Word_Not_Broken.jpg
          175 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jcooi JoachimA
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