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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-25236

Slow response and Confluence crashing when you have too many labels


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Go to Browse > Labels
      2. It will take a long to load, and even timeout.

      Also general slowness and crashing due to long running SQL queries can be a symptom of this problem.


      Our developers have created a patch that can be applied to all versions of Confluence 4.2, up to and including 4.2.4. The issue will be resolved permanently in 4.2.5.

      How to apply the patch
      1. Copy the Label.hbm.xml file attached to this ticket, to <confluence-install>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/com/atlassian/confluence/labels/. Create the folders if they do not exist.
      2. Once this is done, restart your Confluence instance.

      Because of the nature of the patch, once it is applied, labels on attachments will not show up in popular labels, suggested labels and recently updated labels. This will be resolved in 4.2.5 when the permanent fix is released.


      Once you upgrade to 4.2.5, this patch must be removed. It may cause issues down the track if it is not.

        1. Detailssummary.png
          69 kB
        2. Label.hbm.xml
          14 kB
          Steve Lancashire
        3. labels_conf421_cac.png
          162 kB

              slancashire Steve Lancashire (Inactive)
              wzanchet William Zanchet (Inactive)
              11 Vote for this issue
              28 Start watching this issue
