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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-23584

Tooltips in Confluence 4.0 "partially" available


      In 3.5 (or a bit earlier), tooltips were not available anymore in the Rich editor, but could still be created in the Wiki editor. Either way, existing pages holding tooltips and new pages where tooltips were entered in Wiki mode, they were displayed in the final page.

      in 4.0, the new editor provides an "advanced" mode to enter a link in Wiki syntax. This still allows to enter a tooltip.
      The result:
      within the editor, the tooltip is shown correctly (even after save --> re-edit), so obviously the tooltip is stored in the xml source
      but in preview mode and in the final page, the tooltip is not shown.

      This is a pity. Can you pls provide at least the fallback method to display tooltips which are entered in advanced mode and also those in existing (migrated) pages, so it is backwards compatible?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            05877970a3e6 Hans-Peter Geier
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
