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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-22374

Some permissions cannot be added in SQL Server and Oracle


      CONF-19914 was fixed by adding unique constraints for various permission-related tables in the database. These constraints are interpreted differently in SQL Server, and may prevent permissions from being added to some pages.


      Stop your instance, run the following commands against your db, then restart.

      alter table CONTENT_PERM drop constraint cp_unique_user;
      alter table CONTENT_PERM drop constraint cp_unique_group;
      alter table CONTENT_PERM add constraint cp_unique_user_groups unique (cps_id, cp_type, username, groupname);

      NOTE 1: This does not apply to MySQL, PostgreSQL, nor DB2. Do not alter the constraints on these DBs or the fix for CONF-19914 will be reverted.
      NOTE 2: If you are using Oracle and upgraded to 3.5.2, AND have applied patch from CONF-22356 you do not need to apply the work around since it's already included in the patch. BUT, if this is a vanilla setup of 3.5.2 with Oracle then you NEED to apply the work around (unless you have applied CONF-22356 before installing).

      See also: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFKB/Cannot+add+or+edit+permissions+after+installing+or+upgrading+to+Confluence+3.5.2

              nbhawnani Niraj Bhawnani
              akdominguez Katrina Walser (Inactive)
              2 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
