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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-2085

Ability to rename space key


    • 862
    • 71
    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian update – 28 November 2023

      Hi everyone,

      There has been a delay in adding the ability to rename space keys to our Data Center roadmap. While we have made significant progress in understanding your requirements and designing the implementation of this feature, we have had to make the difficult decision to place the project on hold in order to increase focus on security. Our priority is always the security of your instances and data.

      In the meantime, we have written up the results from the recent survey shared on our Jira tickets. Thank you to the 103 respondents for providing invaluable insights on how the ability to rename space keys should be implemented. Read more about the Rename space key survey results on Atlassian Community in the Confluence space.

      Kind regards,

      Charlie Marriott

      Confluence Data Center

      Hey folks -
      Any chance the ability to rename the space key is in 1.3? <weak grin>

      I realize this is probably a big thorny task due to links in the pages, but my users want to do it. No, let me rephrase that... some of my users are whining loudly saying they 'need' to change the key, especially for "team" spaces where the team name/acronym has changed.

      Workaround for Confluence Cloud instances with JIRA Cloud:
      On JIRA & Confluence Cloud instances, Space imports can be linked to JIRA Projects. The process changes the Space KEY on the export file, to the JIRA Project KEY.

      Export the Space and import it by linking it to a new JIRA Project with the new desired KEY:

      1. In JIRA create a new project without a Confluence Space linked to it.
      2. On Confluence, go to Space -> Space Tools -> Content Tools -> Export -> XML -> Next -> Full Export -> Export Space and export the target space as XMLincluding attachments.
      3. Download the export
      4. Go to Import Spaces
      5. Select the Export and the option to link the Space import to the JIRA project created on step 1
      6. Import Space
      7. Verify content and remove previous space

      Note: external links to Confluence Pages on the previous space will be broken.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              nick@atlassian.com Nick Faiz [OLD] (Inactive)
              1252 Vote for this issue
              601 Start watching this issue
