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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-16057

Allow Confluence timezone to be set as a global preference


    • 23
    • 11
    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      It would be really nice to have the option to select the Confluence Timezone (a global preference) for the Confluence interface since changing the 'user.timezone' system property will affect other time-zone-aware applications running in the same JVM.




      1. Query the record

      select * from BANDANA where BANDANA.BANDANACONTEXT = '_GLOBAL' AND BANDANA.BANDANAKEY = 'atlassian.confluence.settings'; 

      2. Update the BANDANAVALUE of the returned record to add one more entry. e.g. below example use Asia/Tokyo , but change it to your desired one


      3. Save the updated setting back to the record BANDANAVALUE value

      4. Restart the server


      PS. a list of supported timezone can be found here:

          GMT, \
          Pacific/Apia, \
          HST, \
          AST, \
          America/Los_Angeles, \
          America/Phoenix, \
          America/Mazatlan, \
          America/Denver, \
          America/Belize, \
          America/Chicago, \
          America/Mexico_City, \
          America/Regina, \
          America/Bogota, \
          America/New_York, \
          America/Indianapolis, \
          America/Halifax, \
          America/Caracas, \
          America/Santiago, \
          America/St_Johns, \
          America/Sao_Paulo, \
          America/Buenos_Aires, \
          America/Godthab, \
          Atlantic/South_Georgia, \
          Atlantic/Azores, \
          Atlantic/Cape_Verde, \
          Africa/Casablanca, \
          Europe/Dublin, \
          Europe/Berlin, \
          Europe/Belgrade, \
          Europe/Paris, \
          Europe/Warsaw, \
          ECT, \
          Europe/Athens, \
          Europe/Minsk, \
          Europe/Bucharest, \
          Africa/Cairo, \
          Africa/Harare, \
          Europe/Helsinki, \
          Asia/Jerusalem, \
          Asia/Baghdad, \
          Asia/Kuwait, \
          Europe/Moscow, \
          Africa/Nairobi, \
          Asia/Tehran, \
          Asia/Muscat, \
          Asia/Baku, \
          Asia/Kabul, \
          Asia/Yekaterinburg, \
          Asia/Karachi, \
          Asia/Calcutta, \
          Asia/Katmandu, \
          Asia/Almaty, \
          Asia/Dhaka, \
          Asia/Colombo, \
          Asia/Rangoon, \
          Asia/Bangkok, \
          Asia/Krasnoyarsk, \
          Asia/Hong_Kong, \
          Asia/Irkutsk, \
          Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, \
          Australia/Perth, \
          Asia/Taipei, \
          Asia/Tokyo, \
          Asia/Seoul, \
          Asia/Yakutsk, \
          Australia/Adelaide, \
          Australia/Darwin, \
          Australia/Brisbane, \
          Australia/Sydney, \
          Pacific/Guam, \
          Australia/Hobart, \
          Asia/Vladivostok, \
          Pacific/Noumea, \
          Pacific/Auckland, \
          Pacific/Fiji, \

              5339cdd01cf4 Jeffery Xie
              vchang Vincent Chang
              207 Vote for this issue
              86 Start watching this issue
